Options for international students in Australia after graduation

As an international student in Australia, you have several options available to you after graduation. These include finding employment, applying for a temporary graduate visa, or continuing your studies.

Post-study work visa

  • Allows international students to work in Australia for 2-4 years after completing their studies.
  • Provides an opportunity to gain local work experience and potentially lead to permanent residency.
  • Visa requirements include completing a degree, maintaining good immigration status, and meeting English language proficiency standards.


Employer-sponsored visas


  • Employers in Australia can sponsor international graduates for temporary or permanent residency visas.
  • These visas allow graduates to work in a specific role or occupation and provide a pathway to permanent settlement.
  • Employer-sponsored visas often have requirements around skill level, salary, and labor market testing.

Regional or low-population growth area visas

  • These visas target specific regional or rural areas of Australia that have lower population growth and higher labor demand.
  • They provide a pathway to permanent residency for international students who commit to living and working in these designated areas for a set period.
  • Opportunities may include working on farms, in hospitality, or in trades and services that support regional communities.

Skilled Independent Visas

  • Points-based system:Applicants are awarded points based on factors like age, work experience, education, language skills, and other criteria. A minimum points threshold must be met to qualify.
  • No job offer required:Unlike employer-sponsored visas, skilled independent visas do not require a job offer from an Australian employer prior to applying.
  • Path to permanent residency:Successful applicants are granted a temporary visa initially, with the opportunity to apply for permanent residency after meeting certain requirements.

Entrepreneur Visas

Australia offers entrepreneur visas for international students who have innovative business ideas and the skills to turn them into successful ventures. These visas provide a pathway to permanent residency, allowing graduates to establish their startups and contribute to the local economy.

  • Visa Requirements:Demonstrate a viable business plan, access to sufficient funds, and the ability to create jobs in Australia.
  • Opportunities:Collaborate with local incubators, accelerators, and venture capitalists to secure funding and mentorship.
  • Benefits:Enjoy the ability to work on your own business, employ others, and potentially obtain permanent residency.

Internships and Traineeships

International students in Australia have access to a range of internship and traineeship opportunities that can provide valuable work experience and help build professional networks. These programs often lead to post-study employment options.

Internships may be paid or unpaid, and can range from short-term placements to year-long programs. Traineeships combine on-the-job training with formal education, leading to nationally recognized qualifications.

Volunteer Work Opportunities

Volunteering allows international students to gain valuable work experience, build professional networks, and contribute to their local community. Opportunities may include working at nonprofit organizations, community gardens, animal shelters, or educational programs.

Volunteering can also help students develop soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving – all highly valued by employers. It’s a great way to learn about Australian culture and make a positive impact.

Continuing Education Options

  • Higher Degrees: Pursue a master’s or doctoral degree to further develop your skills and knowledge in your field of study.
  • Professional Courses: Take specialized courses or certifications to gain additional expertise and stay up-to-date with industry trends.
  • Online Learning: Explore online learning platforms to access a vast array of educational resources and continue your education flexibly.
  • Language Courses: Improve your language skills, which can enhance your employability and open up new opportunities.

Networking and Job Search Strategies

Networking is key to finding job opportunities after graduation. Reach out to alumni, professors, and industry contacts to learn about open positions and get referrals. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for building your professional network.

Attend career fairs, industry events, and informational interviews to connect with employers and learn about job requirements.

Utilize your university’s career services to access job postings, receive resume and interview coaching, and participate in on-campus recruiting.